Experimental Build 0.4.910

*Note - These changes are only on the Experimental Branch. To access the Experimental Branch, be sure to select it in your Steam Library. If this app does not appear, please check if this app is hidden in your Library. Experimental Branch changes upgrade to the primary branch monthly.


This past week we focused more on the multiplayer code improvements, primarily on creature syncing and inventory interactions in multiplayer. Our next goal on multiplayer is to improve and stabilize space travel and multiplayer vehicles further.

The Map system received a lot of attention this week, adding sweeping radar radii, improved resource filtering, improved panning, and icon interactivity in the GPS screen. We feel this is a good step for the map feature set, and we will continue building this system out.

We've also added the new Species System to the creature AI, which allows for variants within each species. Creatures will now show size and age, which changes their appearance and abilities. This will give more variety and strategy to the creature combat, as various species will be invulnerable to certain attacks, can now spit acid (or other gunk), and even grow to colossal sizes!

The in-game GUI and HUD received lots of resizing and layout polish. These various subtle adjustments create more space, less clutter, less overlap, and adds clarity.

Change List

Added - Species system and associated setup functions in CreatureHealth and IK system scripts
Added - Species system settings
Added - Aim target settings and associated functions for creatures to utilize in behavior tasks
Added - Species selection control to CreatureZones
Added - Settings and associated control to ProceduralLegHub and ProceduralLegManager
Added - Projectile attack handling to creatures
Added - Expanded creature behavior systems to allow selection between melee and projectile attacks
Added - Expanded movement behavior tasks for automatic switching between walking and sprinting
Added - Cases to Seek/Attack Circle behavior tasks to allow for more fluid task switching
Added - Settings to Pursue behavior tasks to allow for single targeting and target offset for creatures
Added - New textures/materials for select creature species
Added - Configured Scorpion creature and added to Lutari
Added - Animation events for stepping and attacking to all applicable attack animations
Added - Increased spider animations in use
Added - Mouse Wheel zooming to Map Screen
Added - Interaction to all map icons in Map Screen
Added - Latitude and Longitude lines to Map
Added - Support to pan map at a proper speed based on zoom level
Added - Support for map items to pulse
Added - Radar scanning radius for the player - shown as white radar sweep
Added - Radar sweeps to satellite dishes set to proper radii
Added - Improved Resource Scanning while in Map Screen
Added - Support to display how many resources are found in a scan
Added - Animation to Small Satellite Dish
Added - Each species is now discoverable, discovery popup support is WIP
Added - Set Space Debris to be selectable in Map Screen
Added - Set Pod Stages to be selectable when in Map Screen
Changed - Overall sizing polish on in-game GUI and HUD
Changed - Updated Gnat to operate as an animation-driven creature as opposed to IK-driven
Changed - Set compass marker text size limit higher
Changed - Updated all CreatureData assets to reflect changes to format and species system additions
Changed - Updated all creature Animation Controllers to be able to utilize the species system's speed
Changed - Increased functionality of Animation Event Hub script for custom events with parameters
Changed - Smoothed Strafe and Forward values in MecanimBridge
Changed - Updated creature zones on Proteus, Lutari, and Aziel for spawning from the species list
Changed - Easter Egg map icons to green with pulse
Changed - Reimplemented and rewrote spaceship spawn after crash handling
Changed - Added more info to display during laboratory building
Changed - Reworked player respawn code to be more efficient and less error-prone
Changed - Drop inventory on death setting is currently ignored while the system gets rewritten
Changed - Trees now all input harvested items directly to inventory
Changed - Swapped plastic and scrap plastic icons to be more consistent with rubber
Fixed - Remote clients now properly load buggie inventory
Fixed - The last item in inventory now properly networks changes to all clients when updated
Fixed - Map when in Pod Tutorial
Fixed - Harvestable creatures now display proper species name
Fixed - Player can once again swap equipables after death
Fixed - Panning while in player-facing North mode
Fixed - Blinking icons while scanning
Fixed - Recentering of map when leaving Map Screen
Fixed - Cinnefern LOD materials when harvested
Fixed - Small Satellite Dish collision
Fixed - Fungle Thicket name on Map
Fixed - Names of Mines on Proteus in Interact Menu
Fixed - Creature corpse segment loot amounts are now properly network synced
Fixed - Crafting table inventory now properly syncs
Fixed - Scribe menu pagination now works
Fixed - Player deaths now appear in the scribe log
Fixed - Crafting table should now properly network all actions
Fixed - Durability system issue that caused durability to act unpredictably
Fixed - Crafting table fuel should now be properly networked
Fixed - Creature zones should now properly network their activation status
Fixed - Dropped items should now properly despawn after 2 minutes
Fixed - Incorrect color tag string on hardness readouts on minerals when holding the appropriate tool
Fixed - Nickname updates should now be properly networked
Fixed - Empty item persistence entries should not cause crashing on loading into the world
Fixed - Player models left behind after a user has disconnected should now be cleaned in all instances
Fixed - Guns should no longer be usable once durability has been depleted
Fixed - Respawn vitals should now respect respawn HP slider amount
Fixed - Shovels are no longer usable once durability has been depleted
Fixed - Buggie Hauler Upgrade should now properly sync its inventory capacity increase to all clients
Fixed - New lab building cancel option is now properly replacing the interaction button while building
Fixed - Prolific duplicate spaceship bug with the previous spaceship after crash spawn system
Fixed - Optimized creature networking bandwidth usage
Fixed - Biodome Bins now are now interactable in multiplayer
Fixed - Owned structure display in the main menu should not have duplicate entries in multiplayer
Fixed - Added missing Left Shift control display to build UI for fine rotation control
Fixed - Radar Scanners now respect the ownership
Fixed - Optimized new creature syncing bandwidth and performance usage
Fixed - Optimized new inventory syncing
Fixed - Optimized weather networking
Fixed - Multiple instances of objects being accessible when not owned
Fixed - Multiple instances of objects not being accessible in multiplayer
Fixed - Errors reported by our internal error reporting tool
Removed - Remnants of legacy creature variables from various scripts

Once again, we'd like to thank you for your support in our endeavors. Our number one goal is to bring you the best version of Osiris: New Dawn we possibly can. Your feedback on Social, Feedback Reports, and on the Official Discord Server has been invaluable and we look forward to the next round of iteration with you.

"And what do we got on this thing, a Cuisinart!?!"


Update Build v0.5.012


Experimental Build 0.4.877