User Interface Update


Hello explorers! We've had great success with these past few Experimental builds featuring all the latest goodies and are now graduating them to the Main branch! Here's a full recap of what we have cooked up so far this year for this build.

Full and Centered

The most noticeable difference? Everything is now CENTERED as opposed to being on the right side of the screen, and Menus are now full screen.

Clean, Expanded Interaction

We also attacked the Interact HUD. Inactive options are now faded out. Interaction title and info are now centered.

You can now Open and Use objects while holding any kind of repair tool.

Minerals and More in your Map

HUD Map now displays your settings from the Map Menu, so anything from minerals to base objects can be viewed while exploring.

Vehicles now display the HUD Map too.

Stats are Back

Physical Stats and Leveling Up have been added back with an improved interface. You can now increase your abilities as you progress in level.

Inspect Those Vitals

Your Vitals can now be inspected with a tool tip to display detailed information of your health, nutrition, hunger, and more.

Clear, Minimal 3D HUD

The Lower HUD is now 3D. We also mute nominal Vitals from the HUD.

We Have a "Fill" Button

We added a "Fill" option to easily transfer your inventory. There is also a "Fill Like" that intelligently fills like-typed items for easy item management.

Progress Goals

Build options now show the required structure to unlock and for builds requiring proximity to specific Utilities.

Numerous Touches Throughout

We added small but helpful touches such as the Battery Icon now pulses when using your Flashlight and Inventory weight displayed with a meter. Planet day cycle and location are also shown.

You can also now teleport your drones to your position.

HUD Opacity Meter

An opacity setting is now available in the Setting Menu to allow any percentage of HUD opacity. Like it minimal? Set it to zero. Like to see all your vitals but muted? We like 20%. Want it all the way full? Set to 100%.

Text Colors and Drop Shadows

OK, so this was easy and only took a couple of minutes, but it was requested by some players and I thought it deserved a call out. We also re enabled the clock in the HUD.

More accurate Temperature Readings too

Vehicle Driving Lights

The Buggie and GAV are the first to receive our new Driving Light treatment, which sets the lights on the vehicles to illuminate when driving them.

Expanded Vehicle Camera Viewing

All the vehicles now have a much greater range of view, allowing you to take in all your surroundings while driving.

Build Goal Details

Recipe item titles are now displayed in the Build Goals and anywhere else recipes are displayed.

Lots of Fixes, Too

Your feedback helped us identify some subtle issues we may have missed, such as walking diagonally taking stamina. We also cleaned up some old bugs like unfinished Habitats with walls that appear on reload. Both fixed, along with many more. Here's our full list:

Change List

Added - 3D HUD

Added - Animate the HUD based on input

Added - New Deposit All and Deposit Like buttons to inventory UI

Added - Fade out nominal vitals

Added - Fade out Equip Slots, fade in when used for a time

Added - Harvest interact is based on what you're holding

Added - Level Up physical stats with improved interface

Added - Cleaned up Item descriptions panel

Added - Player Model back into Inventory Screen

Added - Weight Meter in Inventory Screen

Added - Faded out inactive Interacts

Added - Better interact instructions for Geysers

Added - mouse overs to Vitals in Menu Screens

Added - Battery icon pulse when flashlight is on

Added - Tab Circle when pressing Tab in a menu

Added - Inspection Descriptions now turn off when going to a menu and resume when leaving menu

Added - Voice Log system added as a pickup and raid item

Added - Voice Log Listening interface

Added - support to bring in debug missions for testing

Added - more detail to auto typing text

Added - Fuel Cell upgrade to Forge

Added - Full screen layout for all menu modes

Added - Turn off Stat Elements when in Map and Skills Screen

Added - Planet day cycle data Show Planet Rotation Speed in Hours on Clock

Added - location coords to Menu

Added - Planet Name and site to Menus

Added - Fail safe to teleport droid to base

Added - location type to Menus

Added - locked build objects to menus

Added - Unlock requirements to locked build objects

Added - Level Up Alert

Added - Show Structures in Map Screen

Added - Slider for controlling HUD opacity fade

Added - outlines and drop shadows for vital warning

Added - outlines and drop shadows to Mission header

Added - sound to Level Up

Added - sound to Stat increase buttons

Added - GAV driving lights now illuminate

Added - Names to Build Goal recipe icons

Added - Buggie driving lights now illuminate

Changed - Text and layout pass on all UI menus

Changed - Smoothed out rock textures when viewed from a distance

Changed - Set raid object to always give listed objects for missions

Changed - Repositioned Battery Icon

Changed - Cleaned up Center Queue alerts

Changed - Improved Centered Interact Text

Changed - Forge no longer requires Fuel Cell to build

Changed - Forge by default requires fuel

Changed - Forges built before this update will gain the Fuel Cell Upgrade by default

Changed - player slightly moved to center in 3rd person

Changed - Minerals now properly render on the minimap

Changed - Utilities/Inventories can now be accessed and operated while holding a Tinkering tool

Changed - improved and clarified UI in Crash Pod tutorial sequence.

Changed - Improve HUD meters on all objects

Changed - Compass text size

Changed - Clean up various Inventory screens

Changed - Tweaked build object colors for various states

Changed - Improved description in unstuck Buttons

Changed - Rework Map controls in Map Panel

Changed - Discovery now shows Minerals first

Changed - Improved Depository material

Changed - Improved Printer Collision

Changed - Improved Printer active lights

Changed - Spacecraft and Space Appliances are now all unlocked with the building of a Laboratory

Changed - Mission title text color changed to a more readable color

Changed - Removed wording in tutorial referencing "skittering noise"

Changed - New characters now start with 3 stat points by default

Changed - Health stat points now offer 2 hit points per level

Changed - Stamina stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level

Changed - Speed stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level

Changed - Strength stat points now offer 10% increase in carry capacity from base per level

Changed - Increasing health stat points now heals the amount of hit points aquired

Changed - Temperature warning messages now display more accurate information

Changed - Set sound on Level Up to play when text is also shown

Changed - Set Level Meter to orange

Changed - Temperature Vital to color code the outside and suit temperature

Changed - Updated particle dust to handle lighting better

Changed - Set improved dust lighting on all vehicles

Changed - Buggie camera now has much larger range of motion

Changed - GAV camera now has much better range of motion

Changed - Buggie headlighting is now much improved

Changed - Matched particle lighting for some Proteus 2 plants

Changed - Improved driver sitting IK while in Buggie

Changed - Player Map icon to Green

Changed - Improved Zirconium material

Changed - Inventory Weight text label now reads Max Weight Multiplier in custom settings screen

Fixed - Map now is displayed in all vehicle types

Fixed - New Mission gets turned off after viewing missions

Fixed - Duplication bug when quick stacking items into multiple stacks

Fixed - Optimized runtime impact of the Minimap and GPS screens

Fixed - Numerous issues with items not properly rendering on the minimap or GPS map

Fixed - Graphics settings will no longer reset to defaults after planet travel

Fixed - Walking diagonally reduces stamina

Fixed - Redicle re activates when going in and out of menus

Fixed - some objects not pickable in 3rd Person

Fixed - Disappearing Space debris on Proteus 2

Fixed - Habitats with walls missing will no longer render ghost walls after leaving and returning

Fixed - Weather is now properly persistent in save games

Fixed - Issues causing Weather to not sync to other players properly in multiplayer

Fixed - Laboratory interact once again works as intended

Fixed - Player is no longer considered outside when walking between connected pressurized structures

Fixed - Buildables with upgrades dismantled after building them in the same session now properly refund all spent materials

Fixed - Large Radar Installation can now be properly interacted with

Fixed - Large Radar Installation now has 1500 hit points

Fixed - Funnel Leaf Tree can now be harvested with Sharp and Shearing tools

Fixed - Vital tooltips will no longer stick to the mouse after closing the menu

Fixed - Launch!!! button in character creation will now no longer sometimes read Update

Fixed - Update button in difficulty change menu will no longer sometimes read Launch!!!

Fixed - Removed proximity build requirements from buildable icons

Fixed - Locked buildables are no longer buildable when still locked

Fixed - Baked potato, Potato, Packaged Food, and Sand should no longer fall through the floor, and should be interactable

Fixed - Main menu and in-game settings panels are now at parity with one another

Fixed - All buildables can once again be dismantled

Fixed - Build goal can now display more types of recipes

Fixed - Build goal will no longer display outdated build information

Fixed - Changing HUD Opacity within the in-game settings will now properly apply without restarting

Fixed - Set suit temperature reading dial to accurately display

Fixed - Vital tool tip to turn off properly when leaving a menu

Fixed - Blur background in Mission Menu entries

Fixed - Error in Map System when travelling between planets

Fixed - Scorpion is now discoverable and harvestable when killed

Fixed - Collision on Spaceship ramp

Fixed - Some instances where creature corpses would teleport back to the surface after being harvested

Fixed - Sentry decal graphic glitch

Fixed - Potential fix for cursor remaining locked after returning to the main menu

Fixed - Center redicle circle no longer appears while driving a vehicle

Fixed - Extreme hot and cold outside temperature now stay within gauge readout

Fixed - Player hover dust now fades with hover height off ground

Fixed - Player no longer has look IK while driving a vehicle

We'll likely continue tweaking the UI as we go, but largely this will conclude our UI push, which was one of our pillars to achieve this year. The focus will now go to story elements and creature combat improvements for the upcoming rounds of updates, along with our usual rounds of smashing bugs, balancing, and overall clean up. Oh, and the other vehicles will likely get the driving light treatment too.


Voyager Update


Dark Horizons